AI Development at the Point of Care

With more than thirty ongoing projects, the Smart Hospital Information Platform (SHIP) AI Team seeks to refine and expedite diagnoses and optimize the quality of patient care by the use of Artificial Intelligence. The SHIP system serves as a container for web-based applications and integrates clinical subsystems into the larger IT infrastructure of the University Hospital Essen.

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<strong>SHIP AI<p style="color:#283142" font-weight:bold> AI Development at the Point of Care</p></strong>

A ship in a port is safe
but that’s not what ships are made for.

We at SHIP AI strive for the fusion of research and clinical applicability to bring forward a valuable clinical impact. In that context, the SHIP backend allows for tackling state-of-the-art research questions and simultaneously focusing on clinical relevance. The resulting solutions range from classification, segmentation, and multimodality to generative tasks, which is why our expertise is highly diversified.